Your immune system does its best to protect you from infections with bacteria and viruses, but sometimes it makes mistakes. Immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN) is one example of what happens when your immune system ends up doing more harm than good. This kidney disease is caused by collections of proteins known as antibodies that form in the kidneys, leading to inflammation and damage.
In this article, we’ll cover what IgAN is, what causes it, and what symptoms to look out for. We’ll also go over how your doctor or nephrologist (a physician specializing in kidney diseases) diagnoses it. The sooner you receive a diagnosis and begin treatment, the better your chances of preventing chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease, or even kidney failure.
IgA nephropathy — or Berger’s disease — affects your kidneys’ small filtering units, known as glomeruli. Your kidneys are responsible for filtering extra water and waste out of your blood. When your kidneys are damaged, they leak protein and blood into your urine.
IgAN is a glomerular disease that can progress over time. Long-term kidney damage can eventually lead to scarring. If it’s left untreated, you may eventually develop end-stage kidney disease. Each case is different — for some people, this progress can take months, and for others, it can take years.
To better understand what causes IgAN, it helps to first learn about antibodies. Your immune system makes five types of antibodies to protect you from getting sick. These proteins, or immunoglobulins, are found throughout your body to stop bacteria and viruses from taking hold.
IgA antibodies are located in your bloodstream and the mucosal tissues that line your mouth, nose, throat, and digestive tract. They help protect you from tiny organisms like bacteria and viruses in the air you breathe and the food you eat.
Doctors and researchers aren’t quite sure what causes IgAN, but they believe it’s an autoimmune disease. This means that your immune system starts attacking your body’s cells and proteins. If you have IgAN, your body produces IgA antibodies that are missing a sugar known as galactose. Your immune system thinks these abnormal antibodies are foreign invaders, and it makes other antibodies to attack them.
When antibodies attach to each other, they form clumps or immune complexes. These complexes travel through your blood, which is filtered by your kidneys. When the clumps try to pass through the glomeruli, they get stuck. This creates inflammation that damages the glomeruli, eventually leading to IgAN.
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, certain risk factors increase your chances of IgAN. People with a family history of this disease are more likely to develop it, which means that certain gene changes passed down through family members may play a role.
Your age, race, and sex also affect your risk. IgAN tends to first appear in teenagers and adults in their late 30s. It’s also more common in white and Asian people and occurs in twice as many men as women, according to Mayo Clinic.
Doctors and researchers also believe that liver disease, respiratory tract infections, and celiac disease can increase the risk of IgAN. This is because IgA antibodies are found in your respiratory and digestive tracts.
When IgA antibodies come in contact with a bacteria, virus, or (in the case of celiac disease) gluten, they activate your immune system and create inflammation. As a result, more immune complexes are produced and become stuck in your kidneys.
Most people with IgAN don’t experience symptoms until the disease has progressed. It develops slowly over many years, so it can take time for you to notice any changes. Common symptoms of IgAN include:
Your doctor will diagnose IgAN using information collected from your medical history, family history, physical exam, and various tests. They’ll talk with you about your symptoms and other health conditions, and they’ll ask if anyone in your family has IgAN or another kidney disease.
Your care team will measure your temperature, blood pressure, and other vital signs. If you have high blood pressure, that may point to IgAN. During your physical exam, your doctor may check your hands and feet for swelling. Be sure to let your doctor know about any changes in your urine or pain in your sides or back.
Blood and urine tests can tell your doctor a lot about how well your kidneys are working. Your estimated glomerular filtration rate is measured with a blood test, which tells your doctor how much blood your kidneys filter over one minute. The lower the number, the more your kidneys are damaged.
You’ll likely give a urine sample to be tested for blood and protein. Sometimes, blood in urine can be seen only by these tests. A special piece of paper with chemicals known as a dipstick is placed into the sample and changes color depending on how much blood is in your urine. A dipstick test can also measure urine protein levels. You may have to give just one sample or multiple samples over 24 hours.
In some cases, your doctor may order a kidney biopsy. They’ll use a long, thin needle to remove a piece of kidney tissue to look at under a microscope. A specialist known as a pathologist will look for IgA deposits, inflammation, and damage.
If you’ve noticed any new signs of IgAN, talk to your doctor or nephrologist. They can start an evaluation that may lead to a diagnosis. It’s important to start a treatment plan to keep your kidneys working properly. The treatment’s success is usually determined by monitoring the decrease in the proteins in the urine, which reduces the risk of chronic kidney disease. If your disease does progress and you go into kidney failure, you may need dialysis to filter your blood or — in more severe cases — a kidney transplant.
Treatment options your doctor may prescribe include:
At myIgANcenter, the site for people with IgA nephropathy and their loved ones, people come together to gain a new understanding of IgAN and share their stories with others who live with kidney disease.
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