Butter/Margarine Use
I have just learned I have 45-50% remaining kidney function. I’m 74 years old. I want to change my diet ASAP to protect my remaining kidney function. No salt. But butter is going to be tough for me to quit. What are good choices instead?
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I use no salt added butter.
I have interesting news to report. My kidney function has gone from 47% to 55% to 63%. I am following a strict diet and drinking tons of water. I was a major consumer of NSAID’s (Aleve) and salt. No more! My nephrologist is surprised saying this kind of return of function is very unusual. He said it usually goes the other direction. I’m glad but still very wary and not letting up on my regimen.
look up 'smart Balance.'
Me my self do not purchase butter.. I ate a couple of teaspoons of almond butter, couple of times a week. My patient has kidney disease stage four also has gout, his 92. Watching food intake, and what you eat Improves your health..live longer you want to live your obey the rules longer life..
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