I Have Stage 3 Kidney Disease But Have To Take 9 Potassium Pills A Day For Low Potassium-what Do You Make Of This?
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Some good info
Some good info
Try low potassium diet
Read Lee Hull's recipe book. He has CKD for many years and keeps it
well under control. Stop Kidney Disease is part of the title. And be patient with yourself.
The more you read, the more contradictions you may find. That's why I prefer to lean on my lab report numbers, especially egfr.
Sally M.🌝
Read Lee Hull's recipe book. He has CKD for many years and keeps it
well under control. Stop Kidney Disease is part of the title. And be patient with yourself.
The more you read, the more contradictions you may find. That's why I prefer to lean on my lab report numbers, especially egfr.
Sally M.🌝
Regular check ups monitoring with your doctor, watching everything you put in your mouth plays a big row on how long you will live exercise daily and stretch walk a straight line. You’ll be a straight line and live longer. I love life myself.
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